IPL treatment for sun spots, veins on the skin.
The IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) system is a kind of special lamp, which has the ability to move the same direction and amplitude of the pulsed light. This is ideal for treating vascular lesions, as the effect that IPL has on the skin encourages more collagen to be produced.
It is also used in dermatological treatments for the removal of sun spots, veins of the skin.
Pixel treatment for acne scars.
It consists of programming a laser beam to penetrate the skin, thus creating an ablative thermal effect at the point (pixel), without affecting the surrounding tissue. These areas launch the healing process, so that the collagen is restructured, the dermis tightens and its texture improves on the surface. Ultrasound sessions after a surgical intervention are very useful in the recovery of the patient, thanks to its anti-inflammatory action and the stimulation of the regeneration capacity, managing to shorten the period of convalescence. Ultrasound sessions after a surgical intervention are very useful in the recovery of the patient, thanks to its anti-inflammatory action and the stimulation of the regeneration capacity, managing to shorten the period of convalescence. Ultrasounds emit high frequency mechanical oscillations not perceptible to the human ear, they are used both for diagnosis (ultrasound) or for ultrasonic therapy (rehabilitation).
The benefits of the therapeutic effects of ultrasound on tissues are:
- Increases blood and lymphatic circulation.
- Stimulates the regeneration capacity of the skin.
- Edema reabsorption. – Anti-inflammatory effect.
- Effect of analgesia.
- Promotes muscle relaxation.
- Decreased incidence of capsular contracture in breast implant surgery.
Other more specific benefits:
- Breast implant augmentation helps reduce postoperative edema, soften implants or breast prostheses and prevent capsular contracture.
- In mastectomized patients, it can help in the treatment of the sequelae of the mastectomy such as the limitations produced in the shoulder joint or in the scapula.
- In procedures such as liposuction or liposculpture, it reduces postoperative edema, accelerates the reabsorption of ecchymosis (bruises) and helps reduce fibrosis after the procedure.