
Laser depilation

Laser hair removal is a procedure that incorporates the use of pulses of laser beams to gradually remove the cells responsible for the production of body hair.

It consists of applying several beams of light with the Diode Sheer laser, which are absorbed into the melanin inside the skin; It is evaporating destroying the part that gives rise to the hair. All this is done in thousandths of a second using pulses. Most patients require several epilation sessions, as it takes 2 to 3 weeks to completely finish the production of body hair.


  • During the laser treatment, you should only use a rake if you want to remove the hair that grows between one session and another.
  • Do not use wax, honey, tweezers, etc.
  • In case of inflammation it is advisable to use thermal water in spray several times during the day, this will help to reduce it.
  • Avoid sun exposure of the treated areas during the first days.
  • Use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more.
  • The use of oral contraceptives does not need to be stopped.
  • If you find out that you are pregnant, report it immediately.

Lumenis, the leader in energy-based laser technologies, has developed the LightSheer® DESIRE, a diode laser that permanently epilates different areas of the body. It certainly becomes the best in its range because it has the newest hair removal technology available on the market.

This technology has clinical studies endorsed by the most prestigious medical centers and universities in the world of hair removal, which guarantees its effectiveness and optimal results. Some of the advantages are:

  • It is for all types of skin.
  • Quick, painless and effective application.
  • Spot size up to 22 x 35 mm.

For unmatched clinical results, the LightSheer® DESIRE utilizes the industry’s leading 805nm diode laser, powered by two advanced technologies: High Speed Integrated Vacuum Assisted Technology (HIT) and ChillTip Technology.

Cómo funciona el (HIT)

  • El vacío aspira suavemente la piel hacia dentro del dispositivo manual, la piel queda bien estirada y el objetivo es acercado a la fuente de energía.
  • Se aplica la energía al objetivo, en el que los melanocitos se separan y el flujo sanguíneo se reduce.
  • Se daña el objetivo y se suelta la piel.

Cómo funciona ChillTip

  • La piel se enfría antes del tratamiento y durante el mismo.
  • Se comprime la piel.
  • El haz de láser se aplica a la piel y se daña el objetivo.

Así como para tratar con eficacia todas las áreas del cuerpo, el LightSheer® DESIRE viene equipado con tres dispositivos que se pueden intercambiar con facilidad:

  • El aplicador HS dispone de tecnología HIT con tamaño de haz de 22 x 35 mm, que permite utilizar baja fluencia y un mecanismo exclusivo de reducción del dolor, para brindar tratamiento seguro rápido y confortable.
  • El aplicador XC dispone de un Sapphire ChillTip con tamaño de haz de 12 x 12 mm, que ofrece una solución óptima para áreas grandes y pequeñas que requieren mayores niveles de fluencia.
  • El aplicador ET dispone de un Sapphire ChillTip de 9 x 9 mm, ideado para tratar áreas pequeñas que requieren una precisión máxima y un alto nivel de fluencia.

Las características exclusivas de LightSheer® DESIRE que le permiten ofrecer a sus pacientes:

  • Tiempo de tratamiento corto
  • Comodidad máxima de tratamiento
  • Resultados óptimos